Flexible Drawdown | Final Salary Transfers | Pension Solutions - Call 020 33 55 4827 Now !!

About Flexi-Access Drawdown UK

Best Pension Annuity is a trading style of Platinum Financial Consulting LTD    
Flexi Access Drawdown Home Get your Free Flexi-Access Drawdown Quote Final Salary Pension Transfer Get Tax Free Cash from your pension IFAs & Introducers
Your Pension Fund is a valuable asset that was intended to provide income in your retirement.  Please think carefully before making an irreversible decision
flexi access drawdown details
The Way We Work & How We Treat You
We are a family run business, specialising in pension and retirement products. We have been providing an on-line service to customers since 2002. Since January 2015 94.5% of customers scored us 10 out of 10. The rest gave us 9 or 8 !!

We are regulated and authorised by The Financial Conduct Authority.

How We Put You in Control :

We only need a minimum amount of information in order to help you. You can either give us a call on 020 33 55 4827, or complete our online Request Flexi-Access Drawdown Quotes form.

Our online Request Quotes form will ask for some basic personal information about you, and also details of your existing pension.

Once we have all the information on your existing pension, and what it is that you are looking for from your pension, we then provide you with a personalised quote and information pack which discusses the important things you need to consider about going into income drawdown in a clear and simple to understand format.

Don't forget, we're also at the end of the phone if you need any help understanding what is being offered to you.

Once you have decided whether income drawdown meets your needs, we will then help you apply. Our aim is to make the whole process as hassle-free as possible, and if you request, we can also complete all the necessary paperwork for you.

You do not directly pay us a fee unless you would prefer to do so. The income drawdown provider will pay us our fee out of your pension fund after any tax free cash has been paid to you. This means you get the maximum amount of tax free cash possible. Even though you don't pay us direct, our fee comes out of your pension fund.

See our initial disclosure document which is a regulated document that explains further how we operate and our costs and charges.

About Us :

We are a financial services company, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

At Platinum our aim is simple:

To give you all the information you need

To do it in a way that is simple, easy to understand and transparent

To deal with you in a manner that puts you at ease

To put you in control of the situation

To deal with you no matter where you are in the UK or in certain overseas countries

We are a family run business. We have learnt the importance of offering our customers a professional service and giving them information that is clear and easy to understand.

In recent years we have moved most of our business onto the internet and have tried to make sure that we bring our customer service values with us. If you speak to any of our telephone support team we are confident that you will find them easy to talk to, knowledgeable and professional. That is why we claim to offer "good old fashioned personal service via the internet".

We feel that by being completely open and transparent with our customers, they will respect that and place their business with us.

We can deal with you exclusively by phone and email, which means you can manage your financial affairs at a time that is convenient to you.

Free Drawdown Quote and Lump Sum Calculator
Get your FREE Drawdown and Information Pack
Defined Benefit Pension Transfer Advice
By just answering a few simple questions we can provide you with a personalised Flexi-Access Drawdown quote and information pack
Total value of your pension funds :
Please enter to the nearest £ (pound)
Your Age :  
Pension Type :  
Please select most appropriate option
Your Email Address :
We will initially send all information and quotes
to your email account
You will be taken to a secure webpage
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Drawdown Quote Panel
Flexi-Access Drawdown Quote Footer
Not sure of your Flexi-Access Drawdown Options
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Are you confused about your options under the new pensions freedoms ?

Do you want to make sure there are no tax surprises waiting for you ?

If you have any question we are here to help !

Flexi-Access Drawdown Panel
Drawdown Options Panel
Flexi-Access Drawdown Helpdesk

Our friendly team can answer all your questions so that you can make an informed decision about what action, if any, you want to take. CALL NOW !!

Call 020 33 55 4827 for Flexi-Access Drawdown
Tax Free Cash Testimonial
I chose to use your company after the excellent job you did moving my wife’s and a friend’s pension. I could not have wished for a more professional and dedicated team to carry out my wishes. I look forward to dealing with you further in the future.
Mr Haskett
November 2016
10 out of 10 Pension Lump sum Service
Please Note : The new Pension Freedoms place a great deal of responsibility on the customer to make the right long term decision about their pension fund and how it is used. While Government Ministers say they "trust" people to make the right decisions, they will not have to deal with the financial consequences of a customer making the wrong decision. Your pension fund was intended to provide you with a long term income in retirement, if you take it all as one lump sum you may find yourself with little or no income during the later years of your life. This website does not give personal financial advice, you should think very carefully before making an irreversible decision. If you are in any doubt please request our independent financial advice service or speak to the Govenment's free guidance service Pension Wise.
above details about casing in your annuity
flexi access drawdown regulation
  This website is for information purposes only.
This website DOES NOT contain personal advice based on your circumstances.

Best Income Protection is a trading style of
Platinum Financial Consulting Ltd

Registered in England. Company Number : 5985049

Registered Office Address : The Old School House, East End Road
Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, CM0 7PY



Telephone : 020 33 55 4827            Fax : 0871 277 1422            Email : info@platinumifa.co.uk


Copyright © 2015 & 2025 Platinum Financial Consulting

FCA Registration Number : 827772


Flexi-Access Drawdown | Final Salary Pension Transfers & Advice | Annuities | Pension Solutions

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