How We Put You in Control :
We only need a minimum amount of information in order to help you. You can either give us a call on 020 33 55 4827, or complete our online Request Flexi-Access Drawdown Quotes form.
Our online Request Quotes form will ask for some basic personal information about you, and also details of your existing pension.
Once we have all the information on your existing pension, and what it is that you are looking for from your pension, we then provide you with a personalised quote and information pack which discusses the important things you need to consider about going into income drawdown in a clear and simple to understand format.
Don't forget, we're also at the end of the phone if you need any help understanding what is being offered to you.
Once you have decided whether income drawdown meets your needs, we will then help you apply. Our aim is to make the whole process as hassle-free as possible, and if you request, we can also complete all the necessary paperwork for you.
You do not directly pay us a fee unless you would prefer to do so. The income drawdown provider will pay us our fee out of your pension fund after any tax free cash has been paid to you. This means you get the maximum amount of tax free cash possible. Even though you don't pay us direct, our fee comes out of your pension fund.
See our initial disclosure document which is a regulated document that explains further how we operate and our costs and charges.
About Us :
We are a financial services company, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.